related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.
Note that some changes can still be made to the schedule. This page holds the current schedule of the conference.
Complete waste management today is a worldwide problem. In developed countries, a hierarchy of integrated waste treatment is followed, based on sound strategies, in which a significant part of waste is reduced, reused and recycled (3R), and what remains is followed by landfilling and incineration. In developing countries this process often leaves much to be desired, where waste is not only not used from the point of view of raw material and energy, but turns into a serious problem for the health of living creatures and a burden for the environment. Certainly the precursor steps of incineration are more efficient and lead to the conservation of reusable energy by preserving raw materials secondary to the manufacturing industry, today incineration or pyrolysis processes are also seen as an important aspect of converting waste into energy. In addition to developed countries that use incineration and pyrolysis in the last stage of the waste hierarchy, developing countries or even those with a small geographical reach see incineration as an adequate solution to the problem of waste disposal. However such processes require stronger transparencies and a direct link between government, scientists, civil society and public. The panel will discuss current trends in waste management and waste to energy in terms of feasibility, efficiency, legislation and policy making, future developments, scientific approaches and possible smart solutions.
Special event of the Interreg ADRION project „Fostering diffusion of Heating & Cooling technologies using the seawater pump in the Adriatic-Ionian Region PLUS“ – SEADRION PLUS, will take place on 25th and 26th May 2022. Special event chair is Hrvoje Mikulčić, PhD from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
SEADRION PLUS project aims to extend the knowledge obtained during the original project activities and bring the results and achievements to the even broader public. It focuses on dissemination and promotional actions about the possibilities of deploying seawater heat pump systems.
Final Conference event will bring all considered stakeholders at one place to promote the project outcomes, foster networking among them, and ensure the knowledge transfer and examples of good practice. A joint exhibition will be organized where pilot enterprises and SMEs, will present their clean heating and cooling technologies, services, and products to Policy representatives, and the public.